Profile PictureAdam James Pollock

The Home Cooking Guide

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The Home Cooking Guide

48 ratings

An Instruction Manual for Cooking, Designed for the Absolute Beginner

Fewer people today are preparing and cooking their own meals at home than ever before. Importantly, I believe, one of the key reasons people do not cook as often nowadays is they do not know how, for no one has shown them how easy, fun, quick and cheap it can be. The purpose of this Home Cooking Guide is to show you how to do this.

I run you through many things, including:

  • Essential and useful equipment, with links to products
  • Lots of cooking terminology, made easy to understand
  • Knife skills, including picture series examples on how to chop things quickly and efficiently, such as onions and other vegetables
  • How and where to buy good ingredients at a low cost
  • Practical skills like pickling vegetables, frying steak, breaking down a chicken, cooking pasta, and more
  • Lots of recipes suitable to beginners, and some to stretch your skills
  • And so much more!


You can also currently get my new book, the Weekly Shop Cookbook, for the same price as this one! Check the offer out here!

I hope you may find this guide useful, and that it can help you on your way to becoming a talented and passionate home cook.

For any questions or queries, reach out on Twitter:

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The Home Cooking Guide - PDF

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48 pages
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